Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Road Trip

I've decided that if I can't be a cowboy and own a horse, maybe I should buy a Harley and live my mid-life crisis that way. There are always going to be a few detractors that will say it's too late for a mid-life crisis and that there is no way I will live to be a hundred and twenty eight. Others, (Nancy in particular) will say that there is absolutely no way I am going to get a murder cycle. And others, like my buddy Gary Hadley, who has more toys than F.A.O. Schwartz, will help me pick out the model and color and then order one for himself.
What inspired this latest of my many delusions was our ward 50's party. As part of the decorations they brought in a pretty nice bike for people to have their pictures taken on. It wasn't a Harley, but it served the purpose. When I put on that leather jacket and the "do rag" I heard a voice in my head saying "you can live this dream". I also heard Nancy whispering in my ear to "not get any crazy ideas". We'll see which voice wins out.
I mentioned that the party was a 50's theme. You can't tell that by my outfit. I wore my wranglers and cowboy boots and topped it off with a hawaiian shirt. When people questioned my choice of clothing, I just told them that I was quite certain that this was what a hawaiian cowboy looked like in the 50's. They couldn't argue with that logic and I was far more comfortable than a lot of people in their tight blue jeans and phony side burns.
Anyone for a road trip?