Sunday, March 16, 2008

More puppy flicks

The pups are getting old enough to start taking solid foods now, so all the work begins. In another 10 days they will be weaned from the mom and I will be doing all the work. I put them out on the front lawn for the first time and they weren't sure they liked it at all.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Puppy Love

Mao and Cathy visited recently and Hunter immediately fell in love with the new puppies. He always wants to see the dogs when he comes, but now that there are new puppies, you can't keep him away from them. They are just starting to get up and around and playing with each other. I have found a couple of them outside the whelping box in the morning, so the work will start pretty soon. I will begin to feed them in about a week and that's when the mom starts to let me take over. I am not looking forward to all the mess. I know that you are all feeling sorry for me.