Seeing Sunny's recent post motivated me to update my blog. If she has time to do it, then I should be able to take a few minutes to update mine. The last 30 days or so has been quite busy. We had a visit from Sunny & Steve and the three little ones, We took a trip to Utah where we attended the Draper Temple open house with Rosemary. We also had a wonderful time in Park City where we stayed in one of the luxury condos that Harmon's company built. We played in the spa and the heated swimming pool with the Toblers and I even went skiing for the first time in about 25 years.
My brother, John, joined us for the day. I managed to get down the hill several times without any broken bones, and finally figured out how to get up after falling. I was impressed with Lacey's ability to ski and enjoyed watching her fearlessly charge down the mountain. While we were on the mountain, Nana stayed home with the little ones and played in the spa.
On the way to Utah, we stopped to visit with Mao and Cathy and see Hunter and their new daughter, Isabella. She is a beauty and Hunter really loves his baby sister.

We also had a visit from Harmon and Dan who came to California to participate in the sealing of his sisters two adopted children. (I'm not sure what that flag is all about, but they carried it with them wherever they went). We went to their meeting on Sunday to witness the blessing in their ward. We have had additional visits from Jade, who was here for a little break, and from Alex Patterson and his friend and Hillary Jones and a couple of her friends who were here for spring break.

When we got back in town, we got to celebrate Kayla's fourth birthday. She is such a cute, spunky birthday girl!
In the mean time, Nancy and I continue to keep fairly busy with all that we have to do. In addition to my work, I serve in the temple on Tuesday evenings, teach the High Priest group on Sundays, teach a temple prep course on Sundays, serve as the 11 year old scoutmaster on Wednesdays and teach a class every Wednesday night to the single marines down at Camp Pendelton. Nancy's responsibility as Relief Society President keeps her busy constantly, and occasionally provides me another opportunity to assist.